[Math] Proofs that the median and a 50th percentile aren’t always the same thing. Is the reasoning correct

descriptive statisticspercentileproof-verification

For our purposes we need to find at the least one case when a 50th percentile and the median aren't the same thing.
I will present three such cases.

Here the first case (proof) goes as this:
Suppose we have set of numbers {1,2,3}. Its median is 2. But 2 is NOT a 50th percentile because 2 isn't a percentile at all, it's a tertile. It has 1/3 of datapoints below it and 2/3 of datapoints below or equal to it.

The second proof:
Suppose we have set of numbers {1,2,3,4,5}. Its median is 3. But 3 is NOT a 50th percentile. For the inclusive definition of a percentile it's a 60th percentile, while for the exclusive definition it's a 40th percentile.

The third proof:
Suppose we have a set of numbers {0,10}. Its median is 5. And it's also a 50th percentile. But there are other 50th percentiles that aren't equal to 5 (and thus, aren't medians), namely any number in interval [0;10) for the inclusive defintion of a percentile and any number in interval (0;10] for exclusive definition of a percentile.

Best Answer

For a correct definition of the quantiles, you must use the (empirical) $\text{cdf}$ of the distribution, i.e.

$$\text{cdf}_X(x)=\frac{\#\{k:x_k\le x\}}n.$$

When $X=\{1,2,3\}$, the $50\%$ percentile is $2$, because $\dfrac{\#\{1\}\le50\%}3$, while $\dfrac{\#\{1,2\}}3>50\%$, the "jump" occurs at $2$ and this is where the $\text{cdf}$ meets the $50\%$ horizontal.

If you don't adopt such a definition, neither the centiles nor the median would exist !

The median, the central quartile and the $50\%$ centile are exact synonyms.

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