[Math] Proofs in linear algebra

linear algebraproof-explanation

I'm pretty awful at proving linear algebra proofs, I just don't understand how you know what to do or where the information comes from.
I have some sample questions below of what I mean, I have no idea how I'm supposed to prove them.
Any help would be brilliant!

  1. Suppose $ P_n $ is the vector space of all polynomials with degree less than or equal to n.

Prove that $ \{1, x − 1, x^2 − x, x^3 − x^2, . . . , x^n − x^{n−1}\} $ is a basis for $ P_n.$

  1. In the vector space $ V = {f : R → R} $, prove that the set $ \{\cos 2x,\sin 5x, x^3\} $ is linearly
  2. Suppose $ C_{ij} $ is the $2\times3$ matrix with $1$ in the $ i,j^{th} $ entry and zero everywhere else. Prove
    that $ \{C_{11}, C_{12}, C_{13}, C_{21}, C_{22}, C_{23}\} $ is a basis for $ M_{2×3}(R) $ . Also, what is the dimension of

and also if you have any good tips for learning this from scratch

Best Answer

First of all I think question number 1 has a mistake, probably you want to prove that $\{1,x-1,\dots,x^{n}-x^{n-1}\}$ is a basis for $P_{n}$. Now, for that question I hope you know that $B:=\{1,x,x^{2},\dots,x^{n}\}$ is a basis for $P_{n}$ (if not, it easy to prove), then your question is easy to prove using elementary facts on linear algebra because you only must do linear combinations between vectors of the basis B. Question 2 it's a little harder, but I suppose that reductio ad absurdum would be a good way to start. Question 3 follows from the isomorphism between $M_{2x3}(R)$ and $R^{2x3}$. Generally proofs on linear algebra don't have and standard way to solve. Obviously, most of the poofs refering to prove linear independent usually works by using reductio ad absurdum

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