[Math] Proof that the sum of all degrees is equal to twice the number of edges

discrete mathematicsgraph theoryproof-verification

We want to proof $2|E| = \sum \limits_{v \in V} deg(v)$ for a simple graph (no loops). For our proof we assume $n$ to be the number of edges in a simple graph $G(E, V)$. We proceed our proof by induction.

Base case P(0), no edges exist, so all nodes in $G$ have degree 0. Therefore we find that $2n = 2 * 0 = \sum deg(v) = 0$

Inductive step, assuming P(n) is true, we need to show that P(n + 1) is also true, that is:

$2(n + 1) = \sum \limits_{v \in V} deg(v)$

In a graph $G$ with number of edges $n + 1$. If we remove one edge at random $G$, we get a subgraph $G'(E',V')$ for which we can assume P(n):

$2n = \sum \limits_{v \in V'} deg(v)$

$G$ is equal to the subgraph $G'$ plus one edge. As every edge contributes $2$ to the total number of degrees (as every edge connects two vertices) we can say for $G$:

$2n + 2 = 2(n + 1) = \sum \limits_{v \in V'} deg(v)$

Which proofs P(n + 1).

Does the above proof make sense? I had a look at some other questions, but couldn't find a fully written proof by induction for the sum of all degrees in a graph.

Best Answer

Whenever an edge is introduced in a graph; It will connect two nodes (vertices). So degree of both those nodes will increase by $1$.

Thus Sum of degrees will increase by $2$.

So we can say that every addition of edge increases sum of degrees by $2$.

So if there are $E$ such edges: sum of degrees $= 2 + 2 + 2 \ldots$ ($E$ times) = $2E$.

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