[Math] Proof that the Kelly Criterion is optimal

gamblinginformation theoryoptimization

Let's say you are betting on the outcome of some random variable. You can invest any amount $X$, and each outcome multiples that amount $X$ by a certain amount $ \ge 0$. You must choose $X$ less than how much capital you have. A Kelly Bet is one in which you bet an amount that maximizes the logarithm of your capital. The Kelly Bet will allow your capital to grow larger than any other betting scheme in the long term (i.e., as the number of bets approaches infinity).

What is the proof that previous statement?

Best Answer

The statement is false.

For example consider the bet where you double your money with probability $2/3$ and lose it otherwise. Now consider the strategy "bet \$1 more than the Kelly bet on the first turn, and then use the Kelly bet after that". If this wins on the first turn it will forever have more money than the Kelly strategy, and if it loses on the first turn it will forever have less money than the Kelly strategy. So no matter how large the number of bets becomes, it has a $2/3$ chance of having a larger amount than the Kelly strategy.

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