[Math] Proof that Radius of Convergence Extend to Nearest Singularity


Can someone provide a proof for the fact that the radius of convergence of the power series of an analytic function is the distance to the nearest singularity? I've read the identity theorem, but I don't see how it implies that the two functions must be equal everywhere.

Best Answer


I wrote the initial draft of the article linked above in February 2004, and mostly it's still as I wrote it, although others have contributed.


Let $C$ be a positively oriented circle centered at $a$ that encloses a point $z$ that is closer to $a$ then is any place where $f$ blows up, and that does not enclose, nor pass through, any point where $f$ blows up.

\begin{align}f(z) &{}= {1 \over 2\pi i}\int_C {f(w) \over w-z}\,dw \tag1 \\[10pt] &{}= {1 \over 2\pi i}\int_C {f(w) \over (w-a)-(z-a)} \,dw \tag2 \\[10pt] &{}={1 \over 2\pi i}\int_C {1 \over w-a}\cdot{1 \over 1-{z-a \over w-a}}f(w)\,dw\tag3 \\[10pt] &{}={1 \over 2\pi i}\int_C {1 \over w-a}\cdot{\sum_{n=0}^\infty\left({z-a \over w-a}\right)^n} f(w)\,dw\tag4 \\[10pt] &{}=\sum_{n=0}^\infty{1 \over 2\pi i}\int_C {(z-a)^n \over (w-a)^{n+1}} f(w)\,dw\tag5 \\[10pt] & = \sum_{n=0}^\infty (z-a)^n \underbrace{{1 \over 2\pi i}\int_C {f(w) \over (w-a)^{n+1}} \,dw}_{\text{No $z$ appears here!}}.\tag6 \end{align}

Step $(1)$ above is Cauchy's formula.

Step $(4)$ is summing a geometric series.

Step $(6)$ can be done because "$(z-a)^n$" has no $w$ in it; thus does not change as $w$ goes around the circle $C$.

The fact that no "$z$" appears in the expression in $(6)$ where that is noted, means that the last expression is a power series in $z-a$.

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