Rational Numbers – Proof That Every Repeating Decimal is Rational

decimal-expansionnumber-systemsrational numbers

Wikipedia claims that every repeating decimal represents a rational number.

According to the following definition, how can we prove that fact?

Definition: A number is rational if it can be written as $\frac{p}{q}$, where $p$ and $q$ are integers and $q \neq 0$.

Best Answer

Suppose that the decimal is $x=a.d_1d_2\ldots d_m\overline{d_{m+1}\dots d_{m+p}}$, where the $d_k$ are digits, $a$ is the integer part of the number, and the vinculum (overline) indicates the repeating part of the decimal. Then

$$10^mx=10^ma+d_1d_2\dots d_m.\overline{d_{m+1}\dots d_{m+p}}\;,\tag{1}$$ and

$$10^{m+p}x=10^{m+p}a+d_1d_2\dots d_md_{m+1}\dots d_{m+p}.\overline{d_{m+1}\dots d_{m+p}}\tag{2}\;.$$

Subtract $(1)$ from $(2)$:

$$10^{m+p}x-10^mx=(10^{m+p}a+d_1d_2\dots d_md_{m+1}\dots d_{m+p})-(10^ma+d_1d_2\dots d_m)\;.\tag{3}$$

The righthand side of $(3)$ is the difference of two integers, so it’s an integer; call it $N$. The lefthand side is $\left(10^{m+p}-10^m\right)x$, so


a quotient of two integers.

Example: $x=2.34\overline{567}$. Then $100x=234.\overline{567}$ and $100000x=234567.\overline{567}$, so

$$99900x=100000x-100x=234567-234=234333\;,$$ and
