[Math] Proof that a limit point compact metric space is compact.


If $(X,d)$ is limit point compact, show it is compact.

I have found multiple proofs of this that first show that limit point compact implies sequential compact, which in turn implies compactness. I was wondering if there is a direct proof showing that limit point compactness implies compactness in a metric space.

Best Answer

So, I think I have an idea and would like to run it past someone to see if it holds. I have already proved that if $(X,d)$ is metric and limit point compact then:

  1. Every open cover of $X$ has a Lebesgue number ($\delta$) and
  2. For every $\epsilon>0$ there is a finite cover of $X$ by open $\epsilon$-balls (to be notated as $B_\epsilon(x)$, where $x\in X$)

Proof: Let $A$ be an arbitrary indexing set and $\{U_\alpha\}_{\alpha\in A}$ be an open cover of $X$. Now, $\exists\delta>0$ so that if $D\subseteq X$ such that diam($D$)$<\delta$, then $\exists U_{\alpha_D}$ such that $D\subseteq U_\alpha$. Also, $\exists \{x_1,\dotsc,x_k\}\subseteq X$ such that $X=\bigcup_{i=1}^k B_{\delta/3}(x_i)$. Both of the facts follow from the two statements above.

Now, $\forall 1\leq i\leq k$, since diam($B_{\delta/3}(x_i)$)$<\delta$, $\exists U_{\alpha_i}$ such that $B_{\delta/3}\subseteq U_{\alpha_i}$. So if $x\in X$, then $\exists1\leq n\leq k$ such that $x\in B_{\delta/3}(x_n)\subseteq U_{\alpha_n}$.

So $\{U_{\alpha_i}\}_{i=1}^k$ is a finite subcover of $X$. Therefore $(X,d)$ is compact.

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