[Math] Proof that a finite separable extension has only finite many intermediate fields


Let $E/F$ be finite separable extension. Is there any proof of the fact that there are only finitely many intermediate fields without using primitive element theorem or fundamental theorem of Galois theory?

Best Answer

I think of the following argumentation:
1) Let $K$ be a field and $n\in \mathbb{N}$. Then $K^n$ has only finite many commutative unital subalgebras. The exact number is $B(n)$ - the $n$th Bell number.
2) Let $(K;L)$ be a separable extension. Then $L$ is separable as $K$-algebra. Thus, by tensoring a suitable splitting field $T$ for $L$ we get that $L\otimes T$ is isomorphic to $T^n$ for a suitable $n$. Hence - using 1) - $L\otimes T$ has only finite many commutative unital subalgebras.
3) The function $A\mapsto A\otimes L$ is injective defined on the commutative unital subalgebras of $L$.
4) Any commutative unital subalgebra of $L$ is a field, too.
Remark: Such algebras are called futile (with only finite many subalgebras) in the literature.