[Math] Proof on String Reverse

computer scienceformal-languagesinductionproof-writing

I'm having trouble with a proof on a string reversal if anyone could lend a hand.

Given the recursive definition of String Reverse, R:

  • $\varepsilon^R = \varepsilon$

  • $(ax)^R=x^Ra, for x\in\sum^*$

Prove that $(xa)^R=ax^R$

My first instinct was to use proof by induction.

(Base Case) $|x|=0, i.e. x=\varepsilon$

LHS: $(xa)^R=(\varepsilon a)^R=(a)^r=a$

RHS: $a\varepsilon^R=a\varepsilon=a$

So our base case holds.

(Inductive Hypothesis) Assume true for $|x|=k, k \ge 0$,


(Inductive Step)

This is where I am stuck, as I know I have to show for the k+1 case, I can not figure out where to go from here. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

Best Answer

We shall prove the stronger statement $$(yx)^R=x^Ry^R$$ by induction on $|y|$. Note that for $a\in A$ we have $a^R=a$.

If $|y|=1$, i.e., $y=a\in A$, then $(yx)^R=(ax)^R=x^R a=x^Ry^R$.

Assume that the claim is true for all $y$ of length $n$, and that $y=a y'$ with $a\in A$ and $|y'|=n$ is of length $n+1$. Then we have $$(yx)^R=\bigl(a(y'x)\bigr)^R=(y'x)^Ra=x^R y'^R a=x^R(ay')^R=x^Ry^R\ .$$

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