[Math] Proof of well ordering principle for the set of positive integers with directly using the principle of induction and not strong induction

elementary-set-theoryinductionnumber theory

Can we prove well ordering principle for the set of natural numbers (positive integers ) with directly using the principle of induction i.e. $( S \subseteq \mathbb N ,1 \in S \space \&\ n \in S \implies n+1 \in S) \implies S=\mathbb N $ and not using principle of strong induction ? The proof I know first prove principle of induction implies principle of strong induction and then uses strong induction to prove well ordering principle , but I want a direct proof using only induction . Thanks in advance

Best Answer

You might consider this to be a bit cheating, but here is a proof using only induction and one additional inference.

Lemma. If $A\subseteq\Bbb N$ has a maximal element, then $A$ has a minimal element.

Proof. First note that $A$ has a maximal element, so it is non-empty. Now we prove by induction on $n$: If $\max A=n$ then $A$ has a minimal element.

  • If $\max A=0$ then $A=\{0\}$ and $0$ is also $\min A$.
  • Assume that for $n$ the claim holds. If $\max A=n+1$ then either $A'=A\setminus\{n+1\}$ is empty, in which case $A=\{n+1\}$, so it is also the minimal element; else $\max A'=n$ and by the induction hypothesis it has a minimal element, $k$ and $k\leq n<n+1$, so $k=\min A$.

Therefore if $A$ has a maximal element, it has a minimal element. $\square$

Theorem. The principle of induction implies that every non-empty set of natural numbers has a minimal element.

Proof. If $A$ is a non-empty set, pick some $n\in A$, then $A'=\{a\in A\mid a\leq n\}$ has a maximal element $n$. We proved by induction that $A'$ has a minimum element $k$. If $m\in A$ then either $m\leq n$ in which case $m\in A'$ so $k\leq m$ or $m>n$ and in which case $k<m$. In either case $k=\min A$. $\square$

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