[Math] Proof of unique factorization theorem (existence) using well-ordering principle

elementary-number-theoryprime factorization

I need to prove the existence part of unique factorization of integers (into primes) using the well-ordering principle.

Now, the couple of examples I've seen of proofs of this sort involve coming up with a non-empty set of integers, which is then declared to have a least element. Then we need to show that assuming the reverse of the desired property violates the assumption of the least element.

So I proceeded as follows:

Consider the set $S$ of all factors ($>1$) of the given number $n$. That is, $S = \{f_1, f_2, \ldots, f_n\}$. This set is non-empty because there is at least one element (the number itself). Also, let $f_1$ be the least element, by the well-ordering principle.

It is easy to show that $f_1$ is prime, for if it is not, then it can be decomposed into smaller factors, resulting in a new least-element. But I'm stuck here. What to do next? I can recursively argue that the remaining factors are either themselves prime or product of primes (using the theorem that every integer, if not prime, is divisible by a prime), but then I don't think I'm following the well-ordering principle anymore.

Please help.

Best Answer

Hint $\ $ Suppose for contradiction that some natural $> 1$ hs no prime factorization, and let $n$ be minimal such. Then $ n$ is not prime, so it has a proper factorization $\ n = ab.\ $ Since $a,b < n,\, $ what can you deduce about $\,a,b\,$ from the minimality hypothesis on $\,n\,$? $ $ Finally, what does the prior deduction imply about $\,n,\,$ given that is the product of $\,a\,$ and $\,b\,$?

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