[Math] Proof of the ‘second’ triangle inequality


I am trying to prove the 'second' triangle inequality:
$$||x|-|y|| \leq |x-y|$$

My attempt:
$|x-y|^2 = (x-y)^2 = x^2 – 2xy + y^2 \geq |x|^2 – 2|x||y| + |y|^2 = (||x|-|y||)^2$

Therefore $\rightarrow |x-y| \geq ||x|-|y||$


My questions are: Is this an acceptable proof, and are there alternative proofs that are more efficient?

Best Answer

Don't work too hard: $|x| - |y| \geq -|x - y|$ is true because $|x| + |y - x| \geq |y|$,

and $|x| - |y| \leq |x - y|$ because $|y| + |x - y| \geq |x|$ . These are true because of triangle inequality, hence the answer.

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