Real Analysis – Proof of the Meyers-Serrin Theorem

partial differential equationsreal-analysissobolev-spaces

The following is the Meyers-Serrin theorem and its proof in Evans's Partial Differential Equations:

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Could anyone explain where (for which $x\in U$) is the convolution in step 2 defined and how to get (3) from Theorem 1?

enter image description here

Best Answer

In Evans' book, $\eta_\varepsilon$ is the standard mollifiers, and in my edition is defined/discussed in appendix C.4.

Here was my thought process in thinking about your question:

Looking at the definition in the appendix, $$f^\varepsilon(x)=(f*\eta_\varepsilon)(x)=\int_{B(0,\varepsilon)}\eta_\varepsilon(y)f(x-y)dy=\int_{B(x,\varepsilon)}\eta_\varepsilon(x-y)f(y)dy.$$ We are essentially taking the mollifier $\eta_\varepsilon$, whose support sits inside the ball $B(0,\varepsilon)$, and moving it around $U$ so that we can weight $f$ by it at each point $x$ with the goal of smoothing out $f$. Thus in order for the integrad $\eta_\varepsilon(y)f(x-y)$ to even make sense, the ball sitting at $x$ has to be completely inside $U$. This is motivation for the notation/definition $U_\varepsilon=\{x\in U \ | \ \mathrm{dist}(x,\partial U)<\varepsilon\}$, and why the (basically) direct proof of Theorem 1 only gives local approximation, and why "dealing with the boundary" is the main goal of this result.

Thus, the convolutions $u^i$ are defined for any $x\in U_{\varepsilon_i}$. Theorem 1 then implies that, since $\zeta_iu\in W^{k,p}(U)$, we have a local approximation of smooth functions, but since $\mathrm{spt}(\zeta_iu)\subset V_i\subset\subset U$, we may presumably take the $\varepsilon_i$'s small enough that the convolution is defined on all of $V_i$ so we may drop the "$\mathrm{loc}$" from the approximation. This gives us the sequence $u^i$ satisfying $(3)$ without loss of generality.

Hope this helped clarify the proof!

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