[Math] Proof of the irrationality of $\sqrt n$, where $n$ is square free


I am trying to review some old algebra, and in particular I wanna show that $\sqrt2$ is irrational

Since integers are the only integral elements of $\mathbb Q$ over $\mathbb Z$, assume $r=\sqrt 2$ is rational, then $ r^2-2=0$ is a polynomial in wich $r$ is a root, so $r$ must be integer, but since $1<r<2$, this is a contradiction.
Am I doing this right? Can I from there generalize it?

Best Answer

Sure you can try. Let $n$ be a square-free natural number, then you show $\sqrt{n}$ is irrational. You can use theory of polynomial to do this. To this end, if $x = \sqrt{n} \to x^2-n = 0$. Then if $\dfrac{p}{q}$ is a rational root,then $p \mid n, q \mid 1 \to q = \pm 1$. Thus any rational root of this equation must be of the form $x = p, p \mid n \to n = p^2$, contradiction to $n$ being square-free. Thus there is no rational root, it means $\sqrt{n}$ is irrational.

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