[Math] Proof of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality in Axler’s Linear Algebra Done Right

inequalityinner-productslinear algebraproof-verification

The proof of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality in Axler's Linear Algebra Done Right (pg. 104) hinges on showing that

$\|u\|^2 = \|\frac{\langle u,v\rangle}{||v||^2}v\|^2 + \|w\|^2 \tag{1}$

equals $\frac{|\langle u,v\rangle|^2}{\|v\|^2} + \|w\|^2 \tag{2}$

but I'm not quite sure how (1) = (2).

Focusing in on $\|\frac{\langle u,v\rangle}{\|v\|^2}v\|^2$ we can rewrite this as:

$\|\frac{\langle u,v\rangle}{\langle v,v\rangle}v\|^2$ where the fraction is a scalar so we can take it out: $|\frac{\langle u,v\rangle}{\|v\|^2}|^2\|v\|^2$ and then the squared norms of $v$ cancel out, but clearly this wrong somehow.

Many thanks for any help.

Best Answer

For some reason, people teaching Linear Algebra forgot to connect inner product with the ordinary dot product in $\mathbb{R}^{3}$ or $\mathbb{R}^{n}$. If you have a vector $u$ and a line through the origin with direction vector $v$, then how would you find the point on that line closest to $u$? Answer: orthogonal projection. The same holds in infinite dimensional inner-product spaces, and even for complex spaces. You want to find a scalar $\alpha$ such that $(u-\alpha v)\perp v$, which gives $$ (u,v)-\alpha(v,v) = 0,\\ \alpha = \frac{(u,v)}{(v,v)} $$ Now you can decompose into a right triangle where $u$ is the hypotenuse, $\alpha v$ is the leg along the line with direction vector $v$ and $u-\alpha v$ is the other leg. Explicitly, you have the following orthogonal decomposition: $$ u = \alpha v + (u-\alpha v),\\ (\alpha v,u-\alpha v) = 0. $$ By the Pythagorean Theorem (which is a direct computation using inner product axioms): $$ \|u\|^{2} =\|\alpha v\|^{2}+\|(u-\alpha v)\|^{2}. $$ The Cauchy-Schwarz inequality is exactly the following $$ \|\alpha v\|^{2} \le \|u\|^{2} \\ \mbox{ with equality iff } \|u-\alpha v\| = 0. $$ Write this out: $$ |\alpha|^{2}\|v\|^{2} \le \|u\|^{2} \\ \frac{|(u,v)|^{2}}{(v,v)^{2}}\|v\|^{2} \le (u,u) \\ |(u,v)|^{2} \le (u,u)(v,v). $$

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