[Math] Proof of simplification of radicals in fraction


I'm not Even sure I'm using the correct terminology here, but I'm helping out my high school daughter with her algebra and was presented with the following rule:

$\sqrt3/\sqrt2 = \sqrt{3/2}$

Accepting that this is true (which a calculator did demonstrate), I should be able to step through a proof using the process for simplifying radicals in the denominator. So, given:


I then multiply by the value of the denominator divided by itself:

$\sqrt3/\sqrt2 * \sqrt2/\sqrt2$

to get:

$(\sqrt3 * \sqrt2)/2$

which equals:


And that's where I get stuck. What can I do to get to:


Other than using a calculator of course. 🙂

Best Answer

From my perspective (this is probably not the only way to arrive at the property you're asking about):

$$\sqrt{\frac{a}{b}}=\frac{\sqrt{a}}{\sqrt{b}}$$ (with $a,b\ge 0$) is a special case of $$\left(\frac{a}{b}\right)^x=\frac{a^x}{b^x}$$ (or, equivalently, $(ab)^x=a^xb^x$), the Distributive Property of Exponentiation over Division (or Multiplication).

The Distributive Property of Exponentiation over Multiplication, for integer exponents, comes from associativity and commutativity of multiplication: $$(ab)^n=\underset{n\text{ factors of }ab}{\underbrace{(ab)\cdots(ab)}}=\left(\underset{n\text{ factors of }a}{\underbrace{a\cdots a}}\right)\left(\underset{n\text{ factors of }b}{\underbrace{b\cdots b}}\right)=a^nb^n$$

The property extends naturally to non-integer exponents.

original answer:


Is that what you were looking for?