[Math] Proof of Set containment by definition of Equality of Sets


I have come to solve the following question:

prove by the definition of Equation Of Sets that if $A\cup B = B$ then $A \subseteq B$.

What I did is to follow exactly the definition of Equation of Sets, meaning I tried to prove both directions of equation:

  1. $A\cup B\subseteq B$ $=>$ $A \subseteq B$
  2. $B\subseteq A\cup B$ $=>$ $A \subseteq B$

I managed to prove (1) easily, but had problems with (2) and even could find a contradiction for (2).
My contradiction is for A={1,2,4} B={1,2,3}

Above-mentioned makes me wonder if overall it's possible to prove. maybe I do something wrong.

Would appreciate your help

Best Answer

Let $A\cup B=B$ and suppose $A\not\subseteq B$, then there is an element $a \in A$ where $a \not \in B$ which is a contradiction since $B=A\cup B$

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