[Math] Proof of orthogonal matrix


In the following question we regard vectors in $\Bbb R^n$
as columns and define the dot product in the usual way which means that $x · y$ = $x^{t}y$

a) If A is an n × n matrix show that $A_{ij}$ = $e_i \cdot A e_j$ where $e_i$, $i =1, \dots , n$ are the standard basis vectors in $\Bbb R^n$

b) Show that a matrix $P$ is orthogonal if and only if ($Px$) · ($Py$) =$x · y$ for all $x, y$ ∈ $\Bbb R^n$

Working –

I got part (a) alright but have no idea of where to start with part (b) except to use the information that an n x n matrix $P$ is orthogonal if $P^{-1}$= $P^{t}$ and that $P^{t}$$P$=$I$, $P$$P^{t}$=$I$, where $I$ is the identity matrix. Any suggests are gracefully appreciated. Feel free to edit my question for clarity. Thank you

Best Answer

Following up on @Augustin suggestion, write

$$(Px)\cdot (Py)=(Px)^T\cdot (Py)=x^T(P^TP)y$$

for arbitrary $x$ and $y$. So if $P^TP=I$ one has $\forall x,y \,(Px)\cdot (Py)=x\cdot y$

Assume now that the last equality holds. Consider a basis $(e_i)$ and compute

$$e_i^TP^TPe_j=(P^TP)_{ij}=(Pe_i)\cdot (Pe_j)=e_i\cdot e_j=\delta_{ij}$$

And $P^TP=I$