[Math] Proof of Order of Galois Group equals Degree of Extension


I am struggling to understand this proof that for a Galois extension, the order of the Galois group equals the degree of extension. Here's a summary:

  1. Let $f(x)$ be a polynomial in $F[x]$ with no repeated roots and suppose that $E$ is the splitting field for $f(x)$ over $F$.
  2. This result is trivial for $n=1$, so do induction on $n$. Assume the result holds true for all $f(x)$ such that $0 \leq k < n$.
  3. Let $p(x)$ be an irreducible factor of $f(x)$ with $r$ and one of the roots being $\alpha$ so that $F \subset F(\alpha) \subset E$. Thus, $[E : F(\alpha)]=n/r$ and $[F(\alpha) : F]=r$.
  4. From the induction hypothesis, $[E : F(\alpha)]=\lvert G(E/F(\alpha)) \rvert$.
  5. There are exactly $r$ isomorphisms from that maps $F(\alpha)$ to a $F(\beta)$ for some $\beta$ is some root of $p(x)$.
  6. Consequently, there are $[E : F]=[E : F(\alpha)][F(\alpha) : F]=n$ possible automorphisms of $E$ that fix $F$, or $\lvert G(E/F) \rvert=[E : F]$.

I'm having trouble understanding how 4 and 5 come together to imply 6. How are we supposed to combine an isomorphism from $F(\alpha)$ to $F(\beta)$ with an automorphism of $E$ that fixes $F(\alpha)$? If someone could please explain to me how these two automorphisms can be combined to get a new automorphism of $E$ that fixes $F$, that would be great. Thanks!

Best Answer

First just to point out that this is when $E$ is a finite separable normal extension of $F$. At the steps you ask about $\alpha$ and $\beta$ have the same min poly over $F$ and so an earlier result shows that $F(\alpha)$ is isomorphic to $F(\beta)$ and there is an isomorphism $\psi_{j}$ say that acts as the identity on $F$ and maps $\alpha$ to $\beta$. But now the splitting field $E$ sits on top of both these fields and (essentially) using the result that proves splitting fields are isomorphic you can construct an isomorphism $\phi_{j}$ say from $E$ to $E$ such that its restriction to $F(\alpha )$ is $\psi_{j}$. Now there is a $\phi_{j}$ for each root and there are $r$ of these and $\phi_{j}$ is in Gal($E$/$F$). Let $\theta_{s}$ be the elements of Gal($E$/$F(\alpha))$ and so there are $n/r$ such $\theta_{s}$. Now look at the maps $\phi_{j}\theta_{s}$. They are distinct, there are $n$ of them and you show they exhaust Gal($E$/$F$).

Hope this helps