[Math] Proof of $n(n^2+5)$ is divisible by 6 for all integer $n \ge 1$ by mathematical induction

discrete mathematicselementary-number-theoryelementary-set-theory

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Prove the following statement by mathematical induction:
$n(n^2+5)$ is divisible by 6 for all integer $n \ge 1$

My attempt:
Let the given statement be p(n).
(1) $1(1^2+5)$=6 Hence, p(1) is true.

(2) Suppose for all integer $k \ge 1$, p(k) is true.
That is, $k(k^2+5)$ is divisible by 6

We must show that p(k+1) is true.

I'm stuck on this step. I feel I have to show $3k^2+3k+6$ is divisible by 6. But, how can I show $3k^2+3k+6$ is divisible by 6?

Best Answer

If $f(n)=n(n^2+5)$

$f(k+1)-f(k)$ $=(k+1)\{(k+1)^2+5\}-k(k^2+5)=3k^2+3k+1+5=6\cdot\dfrac{k(k+1)}2+6$ which is divisible by $6$ as $k(k+1)$ is even

$\implies6\mid f(k)\iff6\mid f(k+1)$

If induction is not mandatory,

$$n(n^2+5)=\underbrace{(n-1)n(n+1)}_{\text{Product of Three consecutive integers }}+6n$$