[Math] Proof of Nested Interval Property implies Axiom of Completeness


Please can you check my proof of the following?

The Nested Interval Property implies the Axiom of Completeness of the real numbers.

Nested interval property: If $I_1 \supseteq I_2 \supseteq I_3 \dots$ are closed intervals then $\bigcap_n I_n$ is not empty.

Axiom of completeness: If $S$ is a non-empty set in $\mathbb R$ that has an upper bound then $S$ has a least upper bound.

My proof: Let $S \subseteq \mathbb R$ be a set that has an upper bound $K$. The goal is to show that $S$ has a least upper bound. If $K$ is in $S$ then $K$ is a least upper bound of $S$. If $K$ is not in $S$ then there is $s \in S$ with $s < K$. Let $I_1 = [s,K]$. If there are no elements of $S$ between $s$ and $K$ then $s$ is a least upper bound of $S$. Otherwise let $s_2 \in (s,K]$ and $I_2 = [s_2,K]$. Proceed like this to either obtain a least upper bound of $S$ or infinitely many intervals $I_n$. If the process terminates with infinitely many intervals, by nested interval property the intersection $\bigcap_n I_n$ is non-empty. In this case, $x \in \bigcap_n I_n$ is a least upper bound of $S$. (proving this last claim is easy)

Best Answer

You say that proving the last claim is easy, but in fact that is where your problem is. (That's a good rule of thumb, by the way - if you are tempted to just say the proof is obvious, write it out anyway because it might not be!)

The trouble is that all you know is that $I = \displaystyle \bigcap_n I_n$ is nonempty - it may have more than one element, and for all you know, it might even contain elements of $S$! For instance, take $S = \{1-\frac{1}{n}\ |\ n\in \mathbb{N}\} \cup \{2-\frac{1}{n}\ |\ n\in \mathbb{N}\}$ and note that your procedure might end up with $I = [1, 3]$.