Abstract Algebra – Proof of Freshman’s Dream in Commutative Rings


When $p$ is a prime number and $x$ and $y$ are members of a
commutative ring of characteristic $p$, then $$(x+y)^p=x^p+y^p.$$
can be seen by examining the prime factors of the binomial
coefficients: the $n$th binomial coefficient is

$$\binom{p}{n} = \frac{p!}{n!(p-n)!}.$$

The numerator is $p$ factorial, which is divisible by $p$. However,
when $0 < n < p$, neither $n!$ nor $(p – n)!$ is divisible by $p$
since all the terms are less than $p$ and $p$ is prime. Since a
binomial coefficient is always an integer, the $n$th binomial
coefficient is divisible by $p$ and hence equal to 0 in the ring. We
are left with the zeroth and $p$th coefficients, which both equal 1,
yielding the desired equation.

1) My immediate thought is, so when we say binomial coefficient we mean addition forms also: for example, $3x^2y = x^2y+x^2y+x^2y$. But can this be generalized to all rings of characteristic $p$?

2) Also, how is coefficient being divided by $p$ related to coefficient becoming zero in characteristic $p$?

Best Answer

This should answer both of your questions.

Characteristic $p > 0$ means (informally, see the post by Thomas Andrews for a formal definition) that the multiple $$ p \cdot 1 = \underbrace{1+ \dots + 1}_{\text{$p$ times}} $$ is zero. It follows $p \cdot a = 0$ for all $a$ in the ring. This is because $$p \cdot a = \underbrace{a + \dots + a}_{\text{$p$ times}} = (\underbrace{1+ \dots + 1}_{\text{$p$ times}}) a = (p \cdot 1) a = 0 a = 0.$$

Also, if $p$ divides the integer $n$, so that $n = m p$ for some $m$, then $$n \cdot a = (m p) \cdot a = m \cdot (p \cdot a) = m \cdot 0 = 0.$$

Now the binomial theorem in a commutative ring is $$ (x + y)^{n} = \sum_{i=0}^{n} \binom{n}{i} \cdot x^{i} y^{n-i}, $$ where note that the binomal coefficients act as multiples.