[Math] Proof Of De Morgan`s Laws with indexed set and a universal set.


Let $E$ be a universal set and $\{A_{\alpha}\}_{\alpha \in J},$ for some index set $J$ be a family of subsets of $E.$

Prove that:
(a)$E-\bigcup_{\alpha \in J}A_{\alpha} = \bigcap_{\alpha \in J}($R$-A_{\alpha}).$

I do not know what is $R$ or it is a mistake in the question, Could anyone help me ?

(b)$E-\bigcap_{\alpha \in J}A_{\alpha} = \bigcup_{\alpha \in J}($E$-A_{\alpha}).$

Shall I prove it by induction? but what about the index set is it countably infinite or finite or uncountable, and how the proof will differ?

Best Answer

‎\begin{eqnarray*}‎ ‎(\bigcap_{i\in\Lambda}A_i)^c &=& \{x|x\notin \bigcap_{i\in\Lambda}A_i\} \\‎ ‎&=& \{x|\exists i\in\Lambda,~~x\notin A_i\}\\‎ ‎&=& \{x|\exists i\in\Lambda,~~x\in A_i^c\} \\‎ ‎&=& \bigcup_{i\in\Lambda}A_i^c‎ ‎\end{eqnarray*}‎

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