[Math] Proof of correctness of binary search

algorithmscomputer scienceproof-writing

I have just written a pseudo-code (actually in Python) of a binary search algorithm.

def binSearch(lst, number):
  left = 0
  right = len(lst) - 1
  while left <= right:
    middle = left + ((right - left) / 2)
    if number == lst[middle]:
      return True
      if number < lst[middle]:
        right = middle - 1
        left = middle + 1
  return False

It seems intuitively correct, but I'd like to use some stronger tool to be absolutely sure that my algorithm is correct.

I've read on Wikipedia, that I have to prove two things: Convergence (the algorithm will stop) and partial correctness (the algorithm will end with the right result). This is the proof of total correctness.

Could you demonstrate the proof of my binSearch in theoretical computer science speech?

thank you

Best Answer

You need to prove the only thing that the algorithm returns the index of $number$ if $number \in lst$, or $false$ if $number \notin lst$.

The proof is based on induction $n=right - left +1$. The main thing is to show that on every step the algorithm preserves the invariant.

The base case if, $n=1$, the algorithm clearly returns the correct answer.

In the general case, it doesn't matter on which side the $number$ is, the main thing is that the algorithms does the next iteration on a stricly smaller subarray.

if $number < lst[middle]$, then if it occurs in $lst$ at all, it must occur at a position prior to middle. Hence, the invariant is preserved if we recur on $lst[left..(middle − 1)]$.

If $number \geq lst[middle]$, then if it occurs in $lst$ at all, it must occur at position mid or later. Hence, the invariant is preserved if we recur on $lst[middle..rigth]$

For further information about correctness and complexity of binary search Binary Search Algorithm

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