[Math] Proof involving the sup of a closed and bounded set


Prove that if E is bounded and closed then sup E belongs to E

Pf: Let E be bounded and closed so that there $\exists a,b \in R$ such that [a,b]

Let sup E = c

Since c is the least upper bound of E, $c \le b$

Assume c does not belong to E

Let $\epsilon >0$,

Therefore $b – \epsilon < c \le b < b+ \epsilon$ but E is bounded so $b +\epsilon$ can't be the least upper bound. Therefore b must be the sup E, which is included in the set E.

Is there a more fluent way to go about this?

Best Answer

Let $A\subseteq\mathbb{R}$ be closed and bounded. Since it is bounded, both inf$(A)$ and sup$(A)$ exist. Let $a=$inf$(A)$ and $b=$sup$(A)$. By definition of sup and inf, for each $\epsilon >0$, $p\in (b-\epsilon,b]$ and $q\in[a,a+\epsilon)$ where $p,q\in A$ and $p\neq b$ and $q\neq a$. Hence, $a,b\in\bar{A}$, and since $A$ is closed, $A=\bar{A}$. Hence, $a,b\in A$.