[Math] Proof intersection is finite and non-empty


Course: Analysis (1st year course).


If $A_3$ is a subset of $A_2$ and $A_2$ is a subset of $A_1$ and so on… are all finite, nonempty sets of real numbers, then the intersection $\bigcap_{n = 1}^{\infty} A_{n}$ is finite and non-empty.

My shot:

Proof by contradiction. Assume $\bigcap_{n = 1}^{\infty}A_n$ is empty.

Let $x$ be part of $A_{1}$. Then $x \not \in A_{k}$ for some $k>1$, because otherwise $\bigcap_{n = 1}^{\infty} A_{n}$ is non-empty. From here I get stuck.

EDIT: Somebody erroneously edited my message. The way of inclusion is opposite.

Best Answer

By contradiction, suppose $\cap_{n\in N}A_n=\phi.$ For each $x\in A_1$ let $f(x)$ be the least $n\in N$ such that $x\not \in A_n.$ Then $B=\{f(x):x\in A_1\}$ is a finite subset of $N,$ so there exists $m\in N$ such that $\forall n\in B\;(m\geq n).$

For such an $m,$ we have $\forall x\in A_1\;(x\not \in A_m)$ because $\forall x\in A_1\;(x\not \in A_{f(x)}\supset$ $ \cap_{j=f(x)}^m A_j\supset A_m).$ But then $A_m\cap A_1=\phi$ , contradicting $\phi \ne A_m \subset \cap_{j=1}^mA_j\subset A_1.$

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