[Math] Proof for all largest palindrome numbers for each power of 10

number theorypalindrome

Is there a proof that shows that for any power of 10 the largest palindrome formed by the product of two numbers with equal number of digits occur in the last tenth of the given power of ten. Or another way to say it is do the two numbers start with 9.

First 6 examples


Also is possible to show that the palindrome has to start with a 9? This may be two separate questions but they seem closely related.

Also, if your wondering where I came up with this I was working on project 4 of the Euler project http://projecteuler.net/problem=4 and after solving the problem and then generalizing the problem to all powers of ten I was wondering how to optimize my algorithm to search for these palindromes.

Best Answer

The formulation given (with smaller factors having leading digit 9) does not work for palindromes of all lengths. For example:$$3 \times 3 = 9$$ $$37 \times 27 = 999$$

So the problem expressed in that form needs to be restricted to palindromes having an even number of digits.

And the part of the question which seems currently to be open is -

Given $n>0$ is there a palindrome having $4n+2$ digits, and leading digit (most significant digit) equal to 9, which is the product of two integers each having $2n+1$ digits?

Notes: the two smaller integers will necessarily have leading digit 9. The largest palindrome of this kind will necessarily have leading digit 9, provided we can find at least one example - though the example we find need not be the largest. For $n=0$ there is no answer, because $9 \times 9 = 81$, which is less than 90, and all two digit palindromes are divisible by 11 (which is prime).

Some construction rather different from the one illustrated will be necessary to tackle palindromes with odd numbers of digits.