[Math] Proof explanation: Cayley’s Theorem


Cayley's Theorem (in my class): Let $G$ be a finite group of order $n$. Then, $G$ is isomorphic to a subgroup of $S_n$.

I trying my best to understand the proof of this theorem, but can't seem to fully grasp it. My biggest problem area is understanding what exactly is described by $\phi$, the isomorphism used in the proof. Can someone describe $\phi $ both informally and formally?

Best Answer

Here's an informal argument:

You want to show that $G$ is isomorphic to a subgroup of $S_n$ (for $n=\vert G\vert$). Well, how do you show that something is isomorphic to a subgroup of $S_n$? Actions! Elements of $S_n$ are understood by how they permute the set $[n]=\{1, 2, . . . , n\}$. So in order to show that $G$ is isomorphic to a subgroup of $S_n$, what we need is a machine for doing the following:

  • Take in a $g\in G$.

  • Spit out a permutation $\pi_g\in S_n$.

The hope is that the map $h: G\rightarrow S_n: g\mapsto \pi_g$ will be a homomorphism from $G$ to $S_n$, and that it will be injective; then $G$ will be isomorphic to $im(h)$.

So this boils down to:

How can I think of an element of $g$ as permuting some $n$-element set?

This is hard because $G$ is an abstract group - we have no sense of what $G$ is "meant to do." So we have to cook up some interpretation of $G$ from scratch!

Luckily, there is a natural $n$-element set lying around: $G$ itself! So, is there a way we can think of an element of $G$ permuting the whole set $G$?

The answer is: yes! Given an element $g$, consider the map from $G$ to $G$ defined as $$\pi_g: a\mapsto g\cdot a.$$ Each $\pi_g$ is a permutation of $G$, we have $\pi_g=\pi_h$ iff $g=h$, and $\pi_g\circ \pi_h=\pi_{gh}$ (do you see why these facts are true?); so the map $h: g\mapsto \pi_g$ is in fact an injective group homomorphism from $G$ to the group of permutations of $G$ . . .

. . . but this latter group is just $S_n$, renamed!

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