[Math] proof by Mathematical induction related with geometry


Q:Consider $n+2$ distinct point from the circumference of a circle.If consecutive points along the circle are joined by line segments creating a polygon with $n+2$ sides then the sum of interior angle of the resulting polygon equals $180n$ degree.
My approach:It's trivial when $n=1$ forming a triangle.But how to prove it for Inductive step $n+1$?Making triangle give me a intuition but how to express it mathematically?Here Can anyone give me some tips for this kind of mathematical induction.Any hint or solution will be appreciated.
Thanks in advanced.

Best Answer

Using induction, you have already shown it's true for $n = 1$, i.e., for $3$ points, the sum is $180^\circ$.

Next, assume it's true for all $n \le m$ for some $m \ge 1$, i.e., the sum of the interior angles of $n + 2$ distinct points is $180n^\circ$. When going from a circle with $n + 2$ to $n + 3$ points, the next point must be between $2$ already existing nearest points on the circle. Draw a line from each of these $2$ nearest points to the new point (e.g., as in the circle on the right, a point between the end points of the horizontal line above the "$2$"). Since these are the nearest points, the new lines don't intersect any existing lines and, thus, they form a new triangle. Adding the angles of this new triangle, with a sum of $180^\circ$ to the existing ones gives a sum of interior angles of $180\left(n+1\right)^\circ$.

Thus, if it's true for $n$, it must be true for $n + 1$. This completes the induction process to prove it's true that the sum of interior angles of $n + 2$ distinct points on a circle is $180n$ degrees for all $n \ge 1$.

FYI, here is an alternate method you can use without induction. For $n + 2$ points, draw the lines from the center of the circle to each of these points. This will form $n + 2$ triangles. Thus, the sum of the angles of all these triangles is $180\left(n + 2\right)$ degrees. However, this includes the angles at the center of the circle, which together add to $360$ degrees. Thus, subtracting this gives that the sum of internal angles is $180n$ degrees.

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