[Math] Proof By Induction $n^2 > 3n$ where $n\ge 4$

discrete mathematicsinductioninequality

I am trying to prove the following example, however I seem to be getting a little stuck:

For $n\in\mathbb N$, $n\ge 4, n^2>3n$

What I have Done:
Base Case:$ n=4$, LHS: $4^2 = 16$, RHS: $3\cdot 4 = 12$

$16\gt 12$, so True

Assume true for $n=k$,
$k^2 > 3k$

Should be true for $n=k+1$

$(k+1)^2 \gt 3(k+1)$

This is where I am stuck!

Any help would be appreciated!

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