[Math] Proof by contradiction problem on rational numbers

rational numbers

Using proofs by contradiction, show that there is no smallest negative rational number and no largest positive rational number.

Assume that there is a smallest negative rational number. Therefore, the number is of the form $r = – \frac{p}{q}$, where $p$ and $q$ are positive integers. But, there is a rational number $- \frac{p}{q+1}$, which is smaller than $r$. This is a contradiction. Therefore, there is no smallest negative rational number. QED

Assume that there is a largest positive rational number. Therefore, the number is of the form $r = \frac{p}{q+1}$, where $p$ and $q$ are positive integers. But, there is a rational number $\frac{p+1}{q}$, which is larger than $r$. This is a contradiction. Therefore, there is no largest positive rational number. QED

Do you think that these are correct proofs?

Best Answer

Two less "fussy" ways:

(i).$\;x\in Q\implies x\pm 1\in Q.$

And $ \;x-1<x<x+1.$

Use $x-1<x$ when $x<0$. Use $x<x+1$ when $x>0$.

(ii). $x\in Q\implies 2x\in Q.$

And $\;x>0\implies 2x>x, $ and $\;x<0\implies 2x<x.$