[Math] Proof about finite sets and bijections


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I proved the easy direction: let B be a set of cardinality $n$ and assume there exists a bijection between B and A. We don't know anything about A but because there is a bijection between them, they must have the same cardinality. Since n is some number, A is finite.

The other direction is hard. Assume A is finite, so $|A|$ = $m$ for some m. I let B be some set of cardinality $m$.

I want to reason about functions between them, but it's a bit tricky. What if n > m or n < m?

Best Answer

Suppose $A$ is bijective to $[n] := \{1, 2, \ldots, n\}$ for some $n$. Then any proper subset $\tilde{A}$ of $A$ will have cardinality $|\tilde{A}|= m$ for some $m<n$ (in other words, $\tilde{A}$ is bijective to $[m]$ with $m<n$). By the hint given at the end of the problem, no map from $[n]$ to $[m]$ is injective, so $[n]$ is not bijective to $[m]$. Hence, $A$ is not bijective with $\tilde{A}$, for any proper subset $\tilde{A}$. By definition, $A$ is finite.

I'll leave it to you to prove the other direction.