Projective Geometry – Projective and Affine Conic Classification

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I have a doubt on the classification of non-degenerate conics (parabola, ellipse, hyperbola) in projective geometry (my textbook is "Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision", which, as the title implies, is not specifically targeted at projective geometry).

As far as I understand, we can classify conics from a projective and from an affine point of view:

From the projective point of view, all non-degenerate conics can be transformed to a circle, so there's no distinction between the three "classic" conic types.

From the affine point of view, the classification depends on the number of intersections (0: ellipse, 1: parabola, 2: hyperbola) between the conic and the line at infinity, which is fixed for affine transformations.

Summarizing, it seems that a generic projective transformation alters the number of intersections between a conic and the line at infinity, whereas an affinity does not change it.

My question is: why does the number of intersection between a conic and the line at infinity change for a projectivity? Shouldn't intersection be an invariant?

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

Summarizing, it seems that a generic projective transformation alters the number of intersections between a conic and the line at infinity, whereas an affinity does not change it.

I'd not put it like this, even though you are essentially right. Instead I'd say that a generic projective transformation alters the line at infinity.

So let's say you have a hyperbola, which intersects the line at infinity in two points. Then you apply a projective transformation to map that to the unit circle. The image of the line at infinity under that transformation will be a finite line which intersects the unit circle in two points, namely the images of the original points of intersection. The new line at infinity, after the transformation was applied, has no real points in common with the unit circle. (Now the points of intersection would be the complex ideal circle points $[1:\pm i:0]$, but you don't need this for your question I guess.)

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