[Math] Projection of a point along a vector on a 3D plane given by two vectors


I would like to know how to calculate the projection of a point along a specified vector (directional vector) onto a plane given by two (non collinear) vectors in 3D space.

enter image description here

Specifically, I would like to determine the scalars a and b which define the point P in $ \vec {OP} = a\cdot\vec {OA} + b\cdot\vec {OB} $ where P is the projection of C along the directional vector $ \vec v$ onto that plane. The coordinates in 3D space of O, A, B, C and $ \vec v$ are given.

Best Answer

Let $u = \vec{OA}, w = \vec{OB}$. Let $b = \vec {OC}$, and $x = \vec{OP}$.

Let $S = [u \quad w \quad v]$. We note that $S^{-1}x$ is simply the projection of $S^{-1}b$ onto the $xy$-plane.

However, projecting onto the $xy$-plane is easy. So, all together, we can simply compute $$ x = P_{uw}b = S P_{xy} S^{-1}b = S \pmatrix{1&0&0\\0&1&0\\0&0&0} S^{-1}b $$

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