Linear Algebra – Projection Matrix onto Null Space of a Vector

linear algebraMATLABmatrices

I have a vector summation $x_1 + Ax_2$ where $x_1\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times1}$, $A\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times m}$ and $x_2\in\mathbb{R}^{m\times1}$.

I am wondering if I can find a projection $P\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times n}$ such that $Px_1 + PAx_2 = 0$. If so what is the expression of that matrix.

Best Answer

We can mimic Householder transformation. Let $y = x_1 + Ax_2$. Define: $P = {\rm I} - yy^T / y^Ty$ (Householder would have factor $2$ in the $y$ part of the expression).


  • Your condition: $$Px_1 + PAx_2 = Py = ({\rm I} - yy^T / y^Ty) y = y - yy^Ty/y^Ty = y - y = 0,$$

  • $P$ is a projection: \begin{align} P^2 &= ({\rm I} - yy^T / y^Ty) ({\rm I} - yy^T / y^Ty) = {\rm I} - yy^T / y^Ty - yy^T / y^Ty + yy^Tyy^T / y^Tyy^Ty \\ &= {\rm I} - 2yy^T / y^Ty + yy^T / y^Ty = {\rm I} - yy^T / y^Ty = P. \end{align}

  • (if needed) $P$ is an orthogonal projection (condition explained on the previous link): $$P^T = ({\rm I} - yy^T / y^Ty)^T = {\rm I} - yy^T / y^Ty = P.$$

You sure that these are the only conditions?