[Math] Projection matrix and null space

linear algebramatricesprojection-matrices

How can you show that the null space of a projection matrix is equal to the the column space of the identity matrix minus that matrix? $$N(A) = C(I – A)$$

Best Answer

The column space of a matrix is the same as the image of the transformation. (that's not very difficult to see but if you don't see it post a comment and I can give a proof)

Now for $v\in N(A)$, $Av=0$ Then $(I-A)v=Iv-Av=v-0=v$ hence $v$ is the image of $I-A$.

On the other hand if $v$ is the image of $I-A$, $v=(I-A)w$ for some vector $w$. Then $$ Av=A(I-A)w=Aw-A^2w=Aw-Aw=0 $$ where I used the fact $A^2=A$ ($A$ is projection). Then $v\in N(A)$.