Geometry – Projecting a Cone on a Surface

conic sectionsgeometry

I want to find the projection of a base of a cone on a plane. I'm looking for its area. I know only the height of the cone and two angles and the distance from the vertex to the plane. Could you give me some pointers?

Cone Net

Best Answer

Let's apply the sine rule to the upper triangle on the right: if $p_1$ is its horizontal (blue) side we have $$ {p_1\over\sin(\pi/2+\Omega)}={R\tan\Omega\over\sin(\pi/2-\Omega-\alpha)}, \quad\hbox{whence:}\quad p_1=R\tan\Omega{\cos\Omega\over\cos(\alpha+\Omega)}. $$ In an analogous way, by applying the sine rule to the upper triangle on the left, its horizontal (blue) side turns out to be: $$ p_2=R\tan\Omega{\cos\Omega\over\cos(\alpha-\Omega)}. $$ The major axis $2a$ of the ellipse is then $2a=p_1+p_2$.

To find semi-major axis $b$ we can substitute $x=(p_1-p_2)/2$ and $y=R\tan\Omega$ into the equation $$ {x^2\over a^2}+{y^2\over b^2}=1, $$ which gives: $$ b={R\tan\Omega(p_1+p_2)\over2\sqrt{p_1p_2}}. $$

From $a$ and $b$ you can compute the area of the ellipse.

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