[Math] Product topology, projection mappings & compactness


I have some doubts concerning projection mappings and product topologies.

The definition states that given an indexed family of topological spaces $\{ (X_i , \tau_i )_{i \in I} \}$, we can set $X = \prod_{i \in I} X_i $. Hence, $\tau = \prod_{i \in I} \tau_i $ is the product topology on $X$, if every projection mapping $\pi_i : X \to X_i$ is continuous for every $X_i$.

In order to make sense of it, I simply think about the standard topological definition of continuity, i.e. for every $i \in I$, and for every open (resp. closed) $G \subseteq X_i$, the preimage $f^{-1} (G) \subseteq X$ is open (resp. closed).


  1. Does a projection mapping that induces the product topology on a family of TS preserve compactness?
    In other words, is the case that for every $i \in I$, and for every compact $G \subseteq X_i$, the preimage $f^{-1} (G) \subseteq X$ is compact?
  2. If it is so, does the property extends to any continuous function, beyond the projection mapping in the product topology case?

Any feedback is more than welcome.
Thank you for your time.

Best Answer

First of all, the topology $\prod_i\tau_i$ is not the product topology, but the so-called box topology. They only coincide if the familly is finite. The true product topology is generated by products of open sets $U_i\in\tau_i$ (up to here, this is the box topology), but those open sets must be $U_i=X_i$ except for finitely many $i$'s.

Second, the product topology makes all projections continuous, but this does not characterize it. The property that characterizes it is that a mapping $\ f:Y\to\prod_iX_i$ is continuous if and only if all components $f_i=\pi_i\circ f$ are continuous (note the if and only if).

Next, concerning the questions about inverse images of compact sets, this is essentially related to the notion of proper map. In absolute generality proper means universally closed, that is the mapping is closed and any extension $f\times$Id${}_Y$ is closed too (look at wiki, for instance). However technical this is, under mild restrictions this is equivalent to what you asked for: inverse images of compact sets are compact. Now given $\pi_i:X_i\times Y_i\to X_i$ (denote $Y_i=\prod_{j\ne i}X_j$) and $K\subset X_i$ compact, $\pi_i^{-1}(K)=K\times Y_i$ is compact if and only if (Thychonoff) $Y_i$ is compact, if and only (Tych again) if all $X_j$ are compact. Thus projections are proper if and only if all factors of the product are compact.

Finally suppose the factors $X_i$ compact and also Hausdorff. Consider any continuous mapping $f:X\to X_i$. Then any compact set $K\subset X_i$ is closed (by the Hausdorff assumption), hence $f^{-1}(K)$ is closed in $X$, which is compact (Tych once again). But closed in compact is compact, hence $f^{-1}(K)$ is compact. (This is just the general argument to show that a continuous mapping from a compact space to a Haussdorf one is proper.)

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