Calculus – Product Rule for Gradient

calculusreal-analysisvector analysis

I have two functions scalar functions of vector $\textbf{x}$, $f(\textbf{x})$ and $g(\textbf{x})$. I know the gradient of $f(\textbf{x})$ (i.e. $\triangledown f(\textbf{x})$) and I want to find the gradient of $f(\textbf{x})g(\textbf{x})$. Can I use the product rule $$\triangledown f(\textbf{x})g(\textbf{x})=g(\textbf{x})\triangledown f(\textbf{x})+f(\textbf{x})\triangledown g(\textbf{x}).$$
I mean does the product rule of differentiation also apply to gradients? Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Yes, the product rule as you have written it applies to gradients. This is easy to see by evaluating $\nabla (fg)$ in a Cartesian system, where

$(\nabla f)_i = \dfrac{\partial f}{\partial x_i}; \tag 1$

then we have

$(\nabla (fg))_i = \dfrac{\partial (fg)}{\partial x_i} = \dfrac{\partial f}{\partial x_i}g + f\dfrac{\partial g}{\partial x_i} = g(\nabla f)_i + f(\nabla g)_i; \tag 2$

since (2) holds for each coordinate variable $x_i$, we have

$\nabla (fg) = g\nabla f + f \nabla g. \tag3$