Sequences and Series – Product of the Entries in a Row of Pascal’s Triangle


The sum of the $n$-th row in Pascal's triangle
has the well-known value of $2^n$. Now, I'm looking for the value of the product of the $n$-th row in Pascal's triangle, given through
Any ideas how to calculate this value? Is it even possible?

I found some papers (e.g. Finding e in Pascals Triangle) dealing with the growth of this sequence, and it seems to be that the ratio of the ratios $\frac{s_{n+1}/s_n}{s_n/s_{n-1}}$ has the limiting value of
Is this helpful for calculating the value of $s_n$? So far, it is not clear to me how the growth rate of a sequence relate to its value.

Best Answer

This is OEIS A001142 which begins $$1, 1, 2, 9, 96, 2500, 162000, 26471025, 11014635520, 11759522374656, 32406091200000000, 231627686043080250000, 4311500661703860387840000, 209706417310526095716965894400, 26729809777664965932590782608648192$$ An approximate formula is given $a(n) \approx A^2 * \exp(n^2/2 + n - 1/12) / (n^{(n/2 + 1/3)} * (2*\pi)^{((n+1)/2))}$, where $A = A074962 = 1.2824271291\ldots$ is the Glaisher-Kinkelin constant.

The growth rate is dominated by the term $$\frac{\exp(\frac {n^2}2)}{n^{\frac n2}}=\exp \left( \frac{n^2}2-\frac n2\log n \right)$$

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