[Math] Product of Riemannian manifold and product metric


according to wikipedia the product metric between 2 metrics is the metric given by:

Now if $(M,g_m)$ and $(N,g_n)$ are 2 Riemannian manifolds we can construct the product $M\times N$ equipped with the riemannian metric $g_m+g_n$.

Is there a link between the "product metric" and the natural metric on $M\times N$ or is it two different things ?


Best Answer

Yes. If you endowed $M = \mathbb{R}^1$ as a manifold with the usual metric $g = g_{ij}dx^i \ dx^j = 1.dx\ dx = dx^2$, then $M \times M$ has induced metric

$$ds^2 = dx^2 + dy^2$$ which gives Euclidean distance.

Relatedly all Riemannian metrics induced by Euclidean metrics.

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