[Math] Product of manifolds & orientability


I'm studying orientability of manifolds currently and I'm having trouble to prove the following: $M\times N$ is orientable iff $M$ and $N$ are orientable.

I am able to prove that the product is orientable if components are orientable (chart is $\{(U_\alpha\times V_{\beta},\phi_\alpha\times \psi_\beta):(\alpha,\beta)\in A\times B \}$, and $\det J=\det J_1 \det J_2>0$ by Cauchy-Binet's theorem), but I don't know how to prove the other direction.

So why this holds: if $M\times N$ is orientable, then $M$ and $N$ are orientable?

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

If $M\times N$ is orientable, any open submanifold is orientable. We can pick an open subset $U\subset N$ diffeomorphic to $\mathbb R^n$, and $M\times U\equiv M\times\mathbb R^n$ is orientable. By induction it is enough to see that if $M\times\mathbb R$ is orientable, then $M$ is orientable. Pick any open cover $\{W_i\}$ of $M$ such that there are diffeomorphisms $\varphi_i:\mathbb R^m\to W_i$. The cover ${\mathcal A}=\{W_i\times\mathbb R\}$ is an atlas with parametrizations $\psi_i=\varphi_i\times Id:\mathbb R^{n+1}\to W_i\times\mathbb R$. Then, if needed we can modify each $\psi_i$ by changing the sign of the first variable in $\mathbb R^{n+1}$ to make it compatible with a fixed orientation in $M\times\mathbb R$. This changes correspondingly the $\varphi_i$. Thus ${\mathcal A}$ is positive and we have $$ J(\psi_j^{-1}\circ\psi_i)=\begin{pmatrix} J(\varphi_j^{-1}\circ\varphi_i)&0\\0&I \end{pmatrix}, $$ hence $J(\varphi_j^{-1}\circ\varphi_i)=\det J(\psi_j^{-1}\circ\psi_i)>0$. Thus the $\varphi_i$'s are a positive atlas of $M$. We are done.

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