[Math] product of hermitian and unitary matrix

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Could anyone tell me how to show that, for any $g\in GL_n(\mathbb{C})$, $\exists$ $R$ a hermitian matrix with positive eigenvalues and $U$ an unitary matrix such that $g=RU$?

And (I am not sure) can we use this to prove that $GL_n(\mathbb{C})$ is connected?Is the set of hermitian matrices with positive eigen values are path connected?

Best Answer

1) the set of diagonal matrices is path connected: if $A=\sum a_j E_{jj}$, $B=\sum b_j E_{jj}$ we take the map $t\mapsto \sum (ta_j+(1-t)b_j) E_{jj}$, $t\in[0,1]$.

2) The set of unitaries is path connected. If $U,V$ are two unitaries, we can always write them as $U=e^{iA}$, $V=e^{iB}$ with $A,B$ hermitian. Then we can consider the map $t\mapsto e^{itA}e^{i(1-t)B}$, $t\in[0,1]$ which gives a path from $U$ to $V$ within the unitary group.

3) The set of invertible hermitian matrices with positive eigenvalues is path connected. If $A,B$ are like that, then $A=UD_AU^*$, $B=VD_BV^*$. By parts 1) and 2), there exist continuous $f,g:[0,1]\to M_n(\mathbb{C})$ with $f(0)=D_A$, $f(1)=D_B$, $g(0)=U$, $g(1)=V$. Then $t\mapsto g(t)f(t)g(t)^*$ is continuous and takes $A$ to $B$. Note that the way that $f$ is defined guarantees that $f(t)$ will have positive eigenvalues for all $t\in[0,1]$.

4) GL$_n(\mathbb{C})$ is connected: Given $A,B$ invertible, we can write them as $A=RU$, $B=SV$ with $R,S$ hermitian and positive, and $U,V$ unitaries. By 3) and 2) we can find continuous functions $f,g:[0,1]\to M_n(\mathbb{C})$ with $f(0)=R$, $f(1)=S$, $g(0)=U$, $g(1)=V$. Then the map $t\mapsto f(t)g(t)$ is a continuous path from $A$ to $B$ (note that $f(t)$ and $g(t)$ are invertible for every $t\in[0,1]$ and then so is their product).

It only remains to justify the polar decomposition $A=RU$. An easy way to see this is by using the singular value decomposition. We write $A=WDV$, with $W,V$ unitaries and $D$ diagonal with non-negative entries (positive if $A$ is invertible). Then we can write $$ A=(WDW^*)WV=RU, $$ where $R=UDU^*$ is hermitian with positive eigenvalues (because $D$ is), and $U=WV$ is a unitary.

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