Odd Finite Abelian Group – Product of All Elements is 1


This should be an easy exercise: Given a finite odd abelian group $G$, prove that $\prod_{g\in G}g=e$. Indeed, using Lagrange's theorem this is trivial: There is no element of order 2 (since the order must divide the order of $G$, but it is odd), and so every element except $e$ has a unique inverse which is different from it. Hence both the element and its inverse participate in the product and cancel each other.

My problem is simple – I need to solve this without Lagrange's theorem. So either there's a smart way to prove the nonexistance of an element of order 2 in an odd abelian group, or I'm missing something even more basic…

Best Answer

If doesn't exist an element of order 2 then you are done. Supose $g\in G$ such that $g^2=e$. Since $\{g_1,\ldots, g_n\}=\{gg_1,\ldots,gg_n\}$, then $\prod g_i = g^n \prod g_i$ and $g^n=e$. Putting $n=2k+1$, $e=g^{2k+1}=g^{2k}g=g$.