[Math] Product measure and independence


What's the difference between product measure and independence in probability?
(\mu_1\times\mu_2)(B_1\times B_2)= \mu_1(B_1)\mu_2(B_2)

P(A_m\cap A_k)= P(A_m)P(A_k)

Are product measure it self independent?

Best Answer

There is an equivalence in the following sense.

  • Suppose $(\Omega,\mathscr{F},\mathbb{P})$ is a probability space.
  • Let $X=\{X_j:j\in J\}$ be a collection of random variables taking values in spaces $(S_j,\mathscr{S}_j)$.
  • For each $j$, let $\mu_j=\mathbb{P}\mu^{-1}_j$ be the law of $X_j$, that is $\mu_j(B)=\mathbb{P}[X_j\in B]$ for any $B\in\mathscr{S}_j$.
  1. If $J$ is finite then: $\{X_j:j\in J\}$ is independent (e.i, for any $J'\subset J$ and sets $B_j\in\mathscr{S_j}$, $j\in J'$, $$\mathbb{P}\Big[\bigcap_{j\in J'}\{X_j\in B_j\}\Big]=\prod_{j\in J'}\mathbb{P}[X_j\in B_j]\tag{1}\label{one}$$ ) if and only if the (joint) law of $X=\{X_j:j\in J\}$ is the product measure $\bigotimes_{j\in J}\mu_j$.

  2. If $J$ is an arbitrary set (finite or infinite), and each space $(S_j,\mathscr{S}_j)$ is nice (a separable metric space with its Borel $\sigma$--algebra for instance; $\mathbb{R}$ with its Borel $\sigma$--algebra for example), then $\{X_j:j\in J\}$ is independent (i.e. $\eqref{one}$ holds for ay finite collection $J'\subset J$) then the law of $X=\{X_j:j\in J\}$ is the product measure $\bigotimes_{j\in J}\mu_j$ .

The proof of (2) follows from Kolmogorov's extension theorem. The "nice" condition is needed in order to appeal to measure theoretic results that guarantee existence of a unique measure in an arbitrary product of probability spaces that satisfy a projection property.

Leo Breiman's on Probability is an excellent source where the details are explained in a very elegant way.

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