[Math] probabilty of random points on perimeter containing center


related question: probablity of random pick up three points inside a regular triangle which form a triangle and contain the center

What is the probability that a (possibly degenerate) triangle made by three randonly chosen points on the perimeter of an n-gon contains the centre of an n-gon?

For a square, there is a $\frac{1}{16}$ chance that the points are in configuration a, $\frac{3}{16} $ for configuraion b, and $\frac{3}8$ for c and d. The probility that the points contain the center is $0$ for a and c, $\frac{1}3$ for b (since the center is contained iff one point is on each side of the line TF1 and arbitrarily taking the square to have unit sides yields $2\int_0^1 a-a^2 \mathrm{d} a=\frac{1}3$) and $\frac{1}2$ for d (center contained iff B1 is the opposite side of the line through D1H1 to C1, $\int_0^1 a \mathrm{d}a=\frac{1}2$).Therefore, if I have somehow not made an error, the probability is $\frac{1}4$.
enter image description here

[edited] The limiting case of a circle is $\frac{2}{\tau}\int_0^{\frac{\tau}2}\frac{a}{\tau}\mathrm{d}a=\frac{1}4$ (using $\tau=2\pi$ just to be controversial)

Best Answer

The answer is in fact always $\frac14$, independent of $n$; you forgot to multiply by $2$ for symmetry and divide by $\tau$ for normalization in the circle result.

Wherever the first point is chosen, the "diameter" on which it lies divides the $n$-gon into two symmetric halves, and the second and third points must be in opposite halves. The line connecting them must also lie above the centre (as seen from the first point), and if the second point is at a distance $x$ from the first point along the perimeter (in units of the length of the perimeter), there's an admissible range of length $\frac12-x$ for the third point. Thus the probability is

$$2\int_0^{1/2}\left(\frac12-x\right)\mathrm dx=2\int_0^{1/2}x\,\mathrm dx=\frac14\;,$$

where the factor of $2$ is for symmetry because the second and third point can be interchanged.