[Math] Probability that $X$ is even for a Poisson

poisson distributionprobability theory

I know that this question has been asked several times, and to my knowledge I have read through all the versions. However, I can't find a complete proof, and I am having trouble finishing the algebraic manipulation. If anyone could help, I'd really appreciate it.

We have a r.v. $X$ that is poisson distributed with $\lambda$. So:

$P[X=k]=e^{-\lambda}\frac{\lambda^k}{k!}$ for $k=0,1,\dots$.

We want to find that the probability of $X$ taking on an even value.

So far, I have:

$$e^{t}+e^{-t}=\sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{t^k}{k!}+\sum_{k=0}^{\infty}\frac{(-t)^k}{k!}$$


I know that the final answer is $$\frac{1+e^{-2\lambda}}{2}$$, but I am struggling with getting there.

Best Answer

The probability you want is

$$ P=\sum_{k \,{\rm even}}P(X=k)= \sum_{j=0}^{\infty} e^{-\lambda}\frac{\lambda^{2j}}{(2j)!}$$

But you know that, for any $\lambda$

$$ \sum_{j=0}^{\infty} \frac{\lambda^{2j}}{(2j)!}= \frac{e^{\lambda}+e^{-\lambda}}{2}$$

Hence... (what's your problem?)...