[Math] Probability that THHT occurs in a sequence of 10 coin tosses


Assume we have a fair coin, and we throw the coin $10$ times in a row.

I want to calculate the probability that the sequence 'tail, head, head, tail' occurs.

So I think I can interpret this event as a binary number with $10$ digits. So $1$ means tail, $0$ means head. Therefore we have $2^{10} = 1024$ different outcomes of the $10$ throws. The sequence 'tail, head, head, tail' can start at $7$ different positions and so there are $7\cdot2^6 = 448$ different outcomes of the $10$ throws with the sequence 'tail, head, head, tail'. So the probability would be $\frac{448}{1024} = 0.4375$.

But I have a feeling there's something wrong?

Best Answer

You can use the Inclusion-exclusion principle to solve this. When I do this I get $$7\cdot 2^6 - 6\cdot 2^2 - 4\cdot 2^3+1$$ where the first term is what you get, where the second and third terms count the number of sequences with two non-overlapping instances of T H H T and of sequences with one overlap, like T H H T H H T, and finally the number of sequences with a triple overlap, T H H T H H T H H T.

Confession: I has earlier got $45\cdot2^2$ for the second term, by a mental blunder, as AnnaSaabel pointed out. There are 2 "gaps" to separate the two instances of THHT, which can occur before, between, or after the 2 instances; they can be distributed in any of the 6 ways 200,020,002,110,101, or 011.

Added: if the number of coin tosses were $n=100$ (say), and the pattern sought was still THHT, this method becomes clumsy. A different method is to construct a Markov chain with states representing how far a string matching algorithm has progressed in matching the given pattern. If $M$ is the transition matrix for this chain, the desired answer is the entry in the matrix $M^n$ corresponing to the pair $(\text{start state}, \text{accepting state})$.