[Math] Probability that the length of each of the resulting 3 pieces is at least 3cm


Two points along a straight stick of length 37 cm are randomly selected. The stick is then broken at these two points. Find the
probability that the length of each of the resulting 3 pieces is at least 3cm.

Okay, what little I know so far is that the two points along the stick are uniform(0, 37).
I don't understand where to go from there… Please and thank you!

Best Answer

Since your distributions are uniform, and your probability space is a subset of $\mathbb{R}^2$, you can picture the probabilities directly as areas. The following picture should give you an idea of what's going on. The outer rectangle is your probability space. It has a total area of $37^2$, which amounts of course to a probability of $1$.

Each point represents a pair $(X_1,X_2)$. The orange areas are the points where all pieces have at least length $3$, and have total area $A = A_1 + A_2 = 28^2$. That corresponds to the probability $P = \frac{28^2}{37^2}$.

probability space

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