[Math] Probability That Hat And Shirt Will Be Different Colors


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John has 3 hats, 5 shirts, 3 pairs of pants and 6 pairs of socks.

More specifically he has:

  • A red, blue and black hat

  • 2 red shirts and 3 blue shirts

  • 2 blue pants and one pair of black pants

  • 2 red socks, 2 blue socks and 2 black socks

If he dresses himself at random, what is the probability that his hat and shirt will be different colors?


Set of unique hat and shirt

This part I'm not sure if right

Ways to wear Unique Hat &
Shirt Color

= $4$ Unique Hat & Shirt sets * 3 Pants * 6 Socks
= 72

Total ways to wear random clothes

= 3 Hats * 5 Shirts * 3 Pants * 6 Socks

= 270

Probability John will dress random and have unique Hat and Shirt color:

${72\over 270} = 0.2666 $

Best Answer

All that matters are hats and shirts.

P(red hat, blue shirt) $= \frac13\cdot\frac35=\frac{1}{5}$

Do this for the other combinations where hats and shirts are different colors. Then add the resulting probabilities.

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